How to find keywords everywhere

How to find keywords everywhere

Keywords. It's the holy grail for SEO - the bedrock and foundation that turns crickets into thriving digital hubs where people visit, interact with, and eventually buy whatever you're selling.

Less than 1% of people get past the second page and the first organic result gets an average of 27.6% for click-through rate - so, of course you'd want to be front and center to get their attention.

But we have a problem.

How do you find high-volume, low-competition keywords?

It's the coveted low-hanging fruit that everyone wants. You'd need to do it strategically.

Here's how.

How to find high volume, low competition keywords

From Forbes Advisor

Here's a quick list of things to do:

  • use keyword research tools
  • focus on long-tail keywords
  • analyze search intent
  • look for keyword gaps
  • check keyword difficulty
  • explore forums and Q&A sites
  • look at SERPs

Finding high-volume, low-competition keywords is a practical SEO strategy that can increase your content's visibility without heavy competition. By using keyword research tools, you can identify terms that attract a lot of searches but aren't widely targeted, making it easier to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What are long tail keywords?

Targeting long-tail keywords is effective because it connects you to a specific audience looking for exactly what you offer. This can lead to more conversions due to the match between your content and their search intent.

Also, understanding and aligning with the search intent of your audience, and identifying topics your competitors might have missed, ensures your content meets the needs of potential customers. This increases user satisfaction and engagement with your site.

Choosing keywords that are easier to rank for minimizes the effort needed to achieve good SEO results. Looking into forums, Q&A sites, and specific features of SERPs can reveal less obvious keywords that could drive additional traffic to your site.

This straightforward approach not only makes attracting the right audience more efficient but also improves your site's visibility and competitive edge online.

Ok, but how do you find the keywords? You said there are keywords everywhere

Yes. Yes there is.

Here are some good spaces for inspiration.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

How to Find Keywords: Dive into customer reviews on your website, Amazon, or other platforms where your products are discussed. Look for repeated phrases or specific terms customers use to describe your product or service.

Tools to Use: Simple manual observation or text analysis tools like RapidMiner, MonkeyLearn and Thematic for extracting common phrases.

Why It's Effective: Customers often use natural language that reflects genuine search queries. Incorporating these phrases into your content can improve its relevance and authenticity.

Benefits for SEO: Directly addresses the actual queries and language used by your target audience, enhancing content alignment with user search intent and potentially improving search rankings.

Social Media Conversations

How to Find Keywords: Monitor discussions and hashtags relevant to your industry on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Tools to Use: BuzzSumo for trending content, Hootsuite for social media monitoring.

Why It's Effective: Social media is where real-time industry trends and customer interests surface. Keywords from these discussions are often timely and highly relevant.

Benefits for SEO: Targeting these keywords can increase your content's timeliness and relevance, potentially driving more engaged traffic.

Competitor Websites

How to Find Keywords: Analyze your competitors' websites, especially their blog posts, FAQ sections, and meta tags.

Tools to Use: SEMrush, Ahrefs for competitive analysis.

Why It's Effective: Your competitors are likely targeting keywords that you haven't considered yet. Learning from their strategy can uncover gaps in your own.

Benefits for SEO: Identifying and targeting these gaps can improve your keyword diversity and coverage, possibly capturing traffic that goes to competitors.

Industry Forums and Q&A Sites

How to Find Keywords: Participate in or monitor discussions on sites like Reddit, Quora, and industry-specific forums. Look for frequently asked questions and terminology used by enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Tools to Use: Manual search or tools like BoardReader for forum searches.

Why It's Effective: Forums and Q&A sites like Reddit and Quora often feature in-depth discussions that reveal long-tail keywords and specific user concerns.

Benefits for SEO: Incorporating these insights into your content can enhance its depth, relevance, and ability to meet user needs, contributing to better rankings and user engagement.

Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ and ‘Related Searches’

How to Find Keywords: Perform searches related to your business and review the 'People Also Ask' and 'Related Searches' sections for additional keyword ideas.

Tools to Use: Google Search itself.

Why It's Effective: These features reflect actual search queries and variations, offering a direct insight into user search behavior.

Benefits for SEO: Targeting these questions and related searches can improve your content's visibility for a wider range of search queries, attracting more diverse traffic and potentially improving SERP rankings.

Winning the keyword game

Because that's what it is.

Finding that one killer keyword hit can feel like trying to find free Wi-Fi while hiking.

But you've still got all that customer chatter, competitor secrets hidden in plain sight, and Google. You've got the keywords - you just need to figure out which ones are worthy of creating content clusters for.

Stuck in the SEO wilderness, trying to signal Google's attention with a smoke signal? DM me. I can help.

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